About Me

Hi This is Preethi Prasad. I am  passionate about cooking . Being a  working professional, cooking helps me to destress. I have two handsome boys and a very supportive Hubby. My family loves my cooking. My Parents and In laws love my fusion cooking too. I had never thought of starting a food blog even  in the  wildest of my dreams.My mom always wanted me to start a blog and whenever she raised this topic, I would  brush her off. I had a helper all these years, and  never bothered about cooking as it was taken care off by her. I used to cook once in a while, when I felt like or there was a demand for my signature dish.  My helper left in September 2013 and since then I have taken over the realm of my kitchen. Initially ,I used to cook  as if it was my duty and really did not enjoy it. Last year  I was introduced to some food sites by my friend. From June 2014 my perspective towards cooking changed. I started enjoying it and wanted to try something new everyday in spite of my hectic schedule. My hubby used to tease me that I am bitten by a bug. Well this seems to be true as I enjoy cooking now and try and experiment in my own way as and when I have time. Kitchen has become my favourite place these days. Well life is full of changes. You never know what is in store for you. I believe in Karma. What you give, will always come back to you. Having a positive attitude and a healthy mind helps to lead a healthy and meaningful life.On May 1 2015, I was talking to my elder son about starting a blog and he helped me to create one. I must admit that Kids these days are very fast. I am starting this blog to document my recipes for the benefit of everybody. Being a Vegetarian, you will find mostly Vegetarian recipes here along with few recipes using eggs on special request from some of my friends. Most of them will not be on the Restaurant menu. You will find many uncommon but healthy and Yummy Recipes. [contact-form-7 id=”6458″ title=”Contact form 1″]

3 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Hello preethi my name is aman rai from France I need your assistance to produce the pickle in France I need your recipes for pickle and I will pay for my WhatsApp number is +33605529517
    Émail ——- info.anagroup22@gmail.com
    With regards
    Aman rai

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