Pickles or Achar is very popular in Asian Cuisine. Today I am sharing a recipe which is popular to the Peranakan Culture mostly found in Malaysia and Singapore. Peranakan or Nyonya cuisine comes from the Peranakans who are descendants of early Chinese migrants who settled in Penang, Malacca, Singapore and Indonesia inter-marrying with local Malays and combines Chinese, Malay and other influences.This Vegetable Achar is quiet popular among the locals here.It is an easy recipe .You can make it at home and enjoy with local delicacies likes fried rice.

Recipe for Nonya Achar :


250 Gms Cucumber

100 Gms Carrots

1 Tbsp Salt

75 Gms diced Pineapple

1.5 Tbsp Roasted Sesame seeds

For Rempeh / Masala

1 Small red onion peeled and roughly chopped

1/4 Inch Fresh Ginger

2 Cloves of Garlic

2 Tbsp Sunflower Oil / Vegetable Oil

4 Candle Nuts

1/2 Tbsp Chilli Powder

1/4 Tsp Turmeric /Haldi

75 Gms Castor Sugar

60 ML Rice Vinegar


Cut the ends of Cucumber and peel the carrots. Cut the Cucumbers and carrots 2 inch long and 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick. Remove the seeds of the cucumber.Place the cucumber and carrot strips in a bowl and sprinkle salt.Toss and allow it to rest for about 45 Mins.

Blend chopped onions, garlic cloves ,ginger and candlenuts to get a fine paste.Heat oil in  a pan. Add the onion mixture, chilli powder ,turmeric and saute on medium flame untill the oil starts to leave the sides and the raw smell is gone.Keep stirring and ensure it does not burn. Lastly add sugar and rice vinegar. Once the mixture starts to boil switch off the flame and allow it to cool completely.

Squeeze the excess liquid from the cucumber and carrot strips and place it in a dry bowl.Add pineapple cubes and roasted sesame.Now pour the rempeh and mix well. Transfer the contents of the bowl to a clean and dry container. Allow it to ferment overnight . You can then store it in a refrigerator. Always use a dry spoon when serving.


Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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