My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. Jim Valvano
This post is dedicated to my DAD who is my first hero and guide. He is my greatest support .He is a very contented man who started from a humble background.Even today he is the same simple ,dignified and humble human being . As he celebrates his 70th birthday today, i am glad both dad and mom are here with me.Celebrating these 70 glorious years of simplicity and dignity.We wish him a very healthy and happy life.
He is not fond of sweets and is very conscious about his health. To celebrate this occassion I baked dates cuppies that are sugarless ,eggless and butterless.
Recipe for Dates Cuppies:
20 seedless dates
1 Cup Self Raising Flour (Unbleached)
1 Cup Milk
Oil to grease the muffin try
Soak 15 seedless dates in warm milk for about an hour. make a fine paste of soaked dates with milk. Sieve the flour in a wide bowl, add the dates mixture and mix well.
Pre heat the oven at 180C for 10 mins.Grease the muffin tray and pour the cake batter in each compartment. Chop the balance dates and use it to garnish. Place the muffin tray and bake for 20 to 25 mins in the pre heated oven. Insert a toothpick and if it comes out clean then it is done.
Enjoy these yummy Cuppies!!!!
Thank you Monika.
Wow. Pretty amazing
Thank you Ritu.
Looks yummy!
Thank you Shreya.
Hi Preeti, the date cake looks so delicious. I want to try. But I have seedless date not as a single dates but pressed together. Can you please tell me how much in weight I should use. Thanks – Sangeetha
Thank should be approx 50 grams. Hope this helps.
I need to make this preethi dee…and this will be only for me
butterless. Sugarless…woow
What a simple, quick and easy to follow recipe. Dates Cuppies look so soft and tempting. A wonderful sugar free treat.
Wow Preethi what a healthy treat for health conscious people. Loved this simple recipe with only three ingredients dates, flour and milk. Sounds amazing. Can’t wait to try this sugar free delicacy.
The sugarfree cuppies with dates look so delicious. What a healthy sugarfree treat for your dad. I am going to save your recipe to try soon.
Such cute cuppies . Loved the name you have given to these simple and easy to make muffins . They will be a perfect snack for tea time parties..
what a fabulous 3-ingredient sugarfree bake, Preethi. bookmarking to try v v v v soon…
so easy with just a few ingredients. This is a great recipe to have in the repertoire so we can whip up at any time.